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All CollectionsPreparing for a placement
Is there anything I need to do before starting a placement?
Is there anything I need to do before starting a placement?
Updated over 5 months ago

Before starting a placement, you should always do the following:

Confirm attendance

A few days before your placement starts, Elder ask you to confirm your attendance via the ElderHub on the homepage. You will be asked to complete a short form. If we don’t receive a response before 24 hours of the placement start date, we may need to treat this as a cancellation. Find out more about confirming your placement here.

Prepare for the handover

In most cases, you'll be taking over from another self-employed carer who is currently looking after the care recipient. We encourage you to contact the outbound carer a day or two in advance and let them know what time you expect to arrive. If they are a self-employed carer via the Elder Platform, their contact details will be available on the ElderHub 48 hours before your placement starts. Head to the ‘Schedule’ tab to see the upcoming placement, and then click on ‘View handover contact’. You can find out more about handovers here.

Read the Care Profile

Make sure you’ve read through the client’s Care Profile in detail, which can be found on the ElderHub. Head to the ‘Schedule’ tab to see your upcoming placement, and then click on ‘Placement details’ to view the Care Profile. It’s also a good idea to read through the personal profile, where you’ll find information about the client’s likes, dislikes and much more.

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